# Title. Does the title describe what issue or point the analysis will focus on? Does it make clear what work is under analysis?
# Thesis. Does the introduction include a main claim (thesis) that shows sufficiently complex reading and interpretation? Does the thesis go beyond a merely personal response? Does it go beyond what is merely obvious?
# Support for the argument—evidence. Is the thesis well supported with brief summaries, paraphrases, and quotations, all of which are used to focus on key aspects of the text and move the argument forward?
# Support for the argument—reasoning. Overall, does the argument make sense? Is it well constructed and compelling? When appropriate, are opposing or alternative interpretations acknowledged and addressed?
# Depth of insight. Overall, are new and interesting insights into the interpretive question made? Does the reader understand something new and interesting about the text?
# Organizational clarity. Is the literary analysis well organized and unified? Are transitions between sentences and paragraphs appropriate and clear? Do the paragraphs use topic sentences that announce the issue or claim of the paragraphs? Does each paragraph make a point that moves the interpretation forward?
# Style. Is the language chosen appropriately for a literary analysis? Are sentences clear and skillfully constructed?
# Editing. Is the analysis proofread and edited for accuracy?