Biology 1108
Test 4 Objectives
1. What are the distinguishing characteristics of animals?
2. Distinguish between radial and bilateral symmetry
3. Know what is a gastrovascular system.
4. Know what is a pseudocoelum cavity.
5. Know what is a coelom cavity
6. Distinguish between invertebrates and vertebrates
7. Describe the characteristics of species belonging to the following phyla:
a. sponges
b. Cnidarians
c. flatworms
d. Roundworms
e. Mollusks
f. Earthworms and annelids
g. Arthropods and insects
h. Echinoderms
i. Chordates
j. Fishes
k. amphibians
l. reptiles
m. birds
n. mammals
o. primates
8. Explain the advantages of following features:
a. Coelomic cavity
b. segmentation
c. endoskeleton
d. jaws
e. amniotic eggs
f. placenta
9. Explain what is unique about terrestrial environment.
10. Explain how plants deal with this environment.
11. Define and distinguish between following pairs:
a. xylum and phleom
b. gametangium and sporangium
c. gametophyte and sporophyte
d. gymnosperm and angiosperm
e. monocot and dicot
12. Know what are the five major groups of plants and characteristics of each group.
13. What is alternation of generation?
14. Know that ferns played a role in production of coal.
15. Discuss how plants depend on animals for reproduction.
16. Know the difference between male and female cones of conifers.
17. Know that conifers supply the majority of lumber and paper used in this country.
18. Know the structure and function of the different parts of a flower.
19. Know the different kinds of fruits (simple, complex, fleshy, dry) and give example of each
20. Know that fruit develop from ovaries.
Test 4 Review
1. List the characteristics of animals.
2. Animals without backbone are called _______________ .
3. What is radial symmetry?
4. What kind of symmetry means animal has a right have and a left half?
5. What animals have a incomplete digestive system with one opening?
6. You can classify animals based on the presence of _______________ .
7. How do sponges feed?
8. Stinging cells in jellyfish are called _________________ .
9. What are the two body forms seen in cnidarians?
10. What are two classes of parasitic flatworms?
11. Which class does not have a digestive tract but attaches itself with hooks and suckers to the host?
12. Name one disease caused by blood flukes.
13. Name one disease caused by roundworms.
14. What are the three groups of mollusks?
15. To what phylum do earthworms belong?
16. What is the endoskeleton of the arthropods composed of?
17. Shedding of the exoskeleton by arthropods is called ______________________ .
18. Marine arthropods are called ____________________ .
19. What are the characteristics of insects?
20. What are two kinds of metamorphosis ?
21. Star fish belongs to what group of animals?
22. What kind of vascular system do these animals (mentioned in question 21) have ?
23. What kind of feet do these animals have?
24. what animals are chordates but are not vertebrates?
25. Fishes that do not have bones include __________________ .
26. Give an example of a jawless fish?
27. If fins are supported by muscle and bone, what are these fishes called?
28. What organ is used by fishes for buoyancy (going up and down in water column)?
29. Give some examples of amphebians.
30. How many chambers does a fish heat have?
31. Larvae stage of amphibians is called ___________________ .
32. What kind of chemical is found in skins of reptiles?
33. If an animal absorbs heat from the environment, it is called ______________________ .
34. What anatomical features make birds able to fly?
35. What are the characteristics of mammals?
36. How many heart chambers and circulatory circuits are found in mammals/
37. Give an example of a mammal with a pouch for immature baby.
38. What are the different groups of primates ?
39. What are the characteristics of monkeys ?
40. What are the characteristics of apes ?
41. How do insects breath?
42. Circulatory system found in vertebrates is called _______________________ .
43. How do fresh water fish control their internal osmotic pressure?
44. Name 3 characteristics of plants.
45. Plants obtain water by means of _______________________ .
46. The modern seed plants are _____________________ and _____________________
47. What kind of plants do not have vascular tissue?
48. Define sporophytes
49. Define gametophytes
50. Plants that are vascular but do not have seeds are called __________________
51. What produces pollen in flowers?
52. __________________ attract pollinators
53. Female structure with ovary in its base is called _______________
54. _________________ protects the bud
55. These plants formed the coal deposits.
56. The most abundant of all plants are _________________
57. What kind of plants have two seed leaves, with net veined leaves ?
58. What kind of plants have one seed leaves, and parallel-veined leaves?
59. What are source of most lumber and paper?
60. Plants that produce seed but not fruit are called ___________________