UNIT 10                                                          Waycross College                                       CHEM 2401K


Alkyl Halides: Nuclophilic Substitution and Elimination




The learner will:


1. write rate law expressions for nucleophilic substitution reactions.


2. write step-by-step reactions and recognize the rate determining steps.


3. draw the structure of products predicted by nucleophilic substitution.


4. define the terms Sn1 and Sn2.


5. list the factors that influence whether a reaction for a secondary halide will be Sn1 or Sn2.


6. list the order of reactivity of the different types of alkyl halides towards either Sn1 or Sn2 reactions.


7. have a working knowledge of the preparation of alkyl halides.


8. have a working knowledge of the reactions of alkyl halides.


9. know about movement of hydrogen and methyl groups in formation of more stable carbocations.


10. discuss and distinguish among E1 and E2 reaction mechanisms.


11. Compare and contrast SN2, SN1, E2 and E1 (conditions under which each is favored).




1. Read chapter 10 in Organic Chemistry: A Biological Approach by McMurry


2. Do the following exercises: 30, 31, 33, 37, 39, 43, 44