Pillbug Experiment


Observe your pillbug at first with naked eye. Then observe the pillbug using a magnifying lens. Later observe the pillbug under a dissecting microscope.


What is the length of pillbug in millimeters?


How many body sections does a pillbug have?


How many pairs of legs does a pillbug have?


How many antennae does the pillbug have?


How many eyes does the pillbug have?


Describe the pillbug’s outside skeleton.


How many segments does the pillbug have?


What happens when you place a pillbug on its back?


What happens when you gently touch the pillbug?


How long does it stay in rolled up position?


Questions to investigate


Design an experiment to investigate one of the following questions.


How fast do pillbugs move?


Do pillbugs prefer a dry or a wet environment?


Do pillbugs prefer a light or a dark environment?


Are pillbugs social animals (do they prefer to stay together or spread out)?


Do pillbugs have a color preference?


When placed on different surfaces such as paper towel, aluminum foil, wax paper or plastic wrap, which surface do pillbugs prefer?


Are pillbugs attracted to magnets? Do they want to live in an environment with or without magnetic field?  



Question to be investigated:







Hypothesis to be tested:






Materials needed to carry out the investigation






Procedure of the investigation







Data collected