Organic Chemistry II


CHEM 2402K


Spring term, 2008

Waycross College




Instructor:    Bernard Majdi


Office:            170 A (also check 230A)


Telephone:   285-6138 or 449-7574



Web Page:



Office Hours: 4:00-5:30 PM T & TH; 9:00 -10:00 AM Fri

9:30 – 10:50 AM M, W, 11:00 – 12:00 T & TH


Texts:            Organic Chemistry, A Biological Approach by McMurry, 2007

Laboratory handouts provided by the instructor



PREREQUISITES:   General Chemistry I and II & Organic I, or consent of instructor





The Chemistry 2401/2402 series is an introduction to Organic Chemistry.  The content of Organic Chemistry will be covered thoroughly in this sequence.  All major functional groups will be studied; all important reaction types and reaction mechanisms will be examined.  Other important topics such as chirality and isomerism will also be discussed. 


Much of the course requires memorization.  Students will be expected to classify and properly name compounds based on functional groups and to predict products given reactants and experimental conditions.  However, the successful student will memorize principles and mechanisms instead of examples.




Exams will usually cover two chapters and will be short answer style or fill in the blank.  Almost every test will require the prediction of products given reactants and experimental conditions.  Almost every test will require the student to name compounds correctly. 


5 Exams                    500 points

Homework                 200 points

Lab                             200 points (150 Points for lab activities, 50 points for lab exam)

Total                           900 points


The grading scale for the course will follow the traditional scale:


90 ‑ 100%     A

80 ‑ 89 %      B

70 ‑ 79%       C

60 ‑ 69 %      D

below 60%    F


The lab grade will be based on lab reports.


Class etiquette: No use of cell phones, text-messaging, IPODS etc. in class or while I am lecturing. Please turn off your cell phone when you come to class. Those who violate this rule will be asked to leave the class.




ADA: "The College is committed to providing accessibility to all students in accordance to ADA/504 guidelines. Students should contact the Director of Student Life regarding accessibility."



Dropping a Course Without Penalty


In order to officially drop a course without penalty, a student must obtain and fill out a drop/add form from the Registrar's Office, acquire appropriate signatures, and return the completed form to the Registrar's Office before the designated date published in the academic calendar in the Waycross College Catalog (February, 28 2008).


Academic Support Center


The Academic Support Center (ASC) was created to offer supplemental assistance to students enrolled in all courses at the College.  The ASC offers a variety of services at all levels, ranging from personal tutoring in math, reading, and composition skills to providing handouts and supplementary materials on writing research papers and critiques, taking essay and objective tests, and developing effective study techniques.


Through audiovisual, computerized, self‑paced, and one‑to‑one tutorial work, the ASC assists students in developing strengths and eliminating deficiencies.  Students may be referred by instructors or may independently seek additional help.






Plagiarism, intentional or unintentional, is prohibited.  Plagiarism is defined by Webster as the stealing and passing off of ideas or words of another as one's own.  Further, the MLA Handbook states, "Plagiarism may take the form of repeating another's sentences as your own, adopting a particularly apt phrase as your own, or even presenting someone else's line of thinking in the development of a thesis as though it were your own."


For further information about plagiarism, see Lester, Writing Research Papers, pp. 107‑111.  Alleged violations involving plagiarism and other academic misconduct will be handled according to the procedures outlined in the Waycross College Student Handbook.


Anyone caught cheating in this class will receive a grade of F for the course.


Class Attendance


Students are responsible for attending class and for the material presented in all classes. Students who have missed twenty percent of regularly scheduled class meetings may be dropped by the instructor and assigned a grade of WF.  If such excessive absences are the result of extenuating personal hardship, the withdrawal grade will be either a W or WF, depending on the student's status at the time the drop occurred.


Course Outline:


Chapter 11.   Structure Determination- MS, IR, UV

Chapter 12.   Structure Determination- NMR

Chapter 13.   Alcohols, Phenols, and Thiols; Ethers and Sulfides

Chapter 14.   Aldehydes and Ketones

Chapter 15.   Carboxylic Acids and Nitriles

Chapter 16.   Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

Chapter 17.   Carbonyl Alpha-Substitution and Condensation Reactions

Chapter 18.   Amines and Heterocycles

Chapter 19.   Biomolecules: Amino acids, Peptides and Proiteins

Chapter 21.   Biomolecules: Carbohydrates