Chem 2402K                                       Waycross College                                           Unit 3


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy


Leaning Objectives:


After study, the student will


1. know the reaction of alcohols including:


a. Oxidation of alcohols using chromic acid, pcc and biological oxidation in liver.


B. Reduction of alcohols


C. Reactions of alcohols with HBr


D. Reaction of alcohols with HCl


E. Reactions of alcohols with phosphorus halides


F. Dehydration reactions of alcohols


G. Esterification of alcohols


H. Periodic acid cleavage of diols


2. Formation and reactions of alkoxides


3. differentiate between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols.


4. name alcohols using common and IUPAC names.


5. know the physical properties of alcohols.


6. know the reactions used in preparation of alcohols including oxymercuration-demercuration, hydroboration-oxidation, hydrolysis of alkyl halides, addition of potassium permanganate, use of lithium aluminum hydride and sodium borohydride, and Grignard reagent.


7. Know that ketones and aldehydes can be converted to alcohols using Raney nickle catalyst.


8. Know what are phenols and give example


9. Know what are thiols, how to name them and where they are used


10. Know how to prepare thiols.


11. Know the commercial preparation and uses of ethanol, methanol and isopropyl alcohol


Learning Activity:


1. Read chapter 13 in Organic Chemistry : A Biological Approach by McMurry


2. Do the following problems: 24, 29, 34, 36, 38