Chem 2402K                                       Waycross College                                           Unit 1


Structure Determination- MS, IR, UV


Leaning Objectives:


After study, the student will


1. Know the different parts of electromagnetic spectrum


2. Know the difference between qualitative and quantitative methods


3. Know how molecules vibrate in infrared region


4. Be familiar with the diagram of an IR instrument


5. Know how different functional groups look like in IR spectrum


6. Know at what wavenumbers different functional groups appear


7. Be familiar with how a mass spectrometer works


8. Know what is a molecular ion and base peak


9. Know how fragmentation patterns are used in identification of compounds


10. Know the electron transition in ultraviolet region


11. Know how to take an ultraviolet spectrum


12. Know how to interpret UV-Visible spectra



Learning Activity:


1. Read chapter 11 in Organic Chemistry, A Biological Approach by McMurry


2. Do the following problems: 17, 25, 32, 33, 42