Genetic Disease Presentation



1. Describe the cause of the disease


2. Describe the symptoms of the disease


3. Include some complications caused by the disease.


4. Indicate average age of death for patients.


5. Develop a 5 minutes PowerPoint presentation with pictures and diagrams.


6. Write a 2 page summary of what you learned about this disease and its symptoms.


7. You can use different sources including magazines, journals, internet, etc. except encyclopedias. You can use only two internet sources. You must use at least three sources.


8. If you use a quotation, be sure to put it between quotation marks and write down the source.


9. Include a title page in the beginning of the report and include the references at the end of the report.


10. Type the paper using a 12 point font and line-spacing of 2.


11. The presentation should be about 5 minutes long.


12. Innovations and hands on activities are encouraged.   


13. Save the presentation on a floppy disk or CD and hand it in along with your summary paper.


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