Chem Skill Builder Problems


1.1 Introduction to Chemistry                                                                               

1.2 Chemical Reactions / Physical Processes                          

1.3 Three Phases of Matter                                   

1.4 Names/Symbols of Elements I                                                                      

1.5 Chemical Compounds                                                                        


A.2 Algebraic Manipulation


2.1 Scientific Notation                                                                                                          

2.2 Significant Figures                                                                                                      

2.3 Measurement and Interpolation                                            

2.4 Metric Prefixes                                                                                                  

2.5 Dimensional Analysis / Unit Conversion                                          

                        2.6 Density and Volume Problems                                   


A.1 Graphing of Data


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3.1 Names/Symbols of Elements II

3.2 Molecules and Ions

3.3 Cations and Anions

3.4 Ionic Compounds

3.5 Acids, Bases and Salts

3.6 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures


5.3 Ionic/Net ionic Equations

5.4 Balancing Equations


14.1 Changes of Physical State


1.6 Temperature Conversions                                                                                


A.4 Forms of Energy


8.1 Heat Capacity Problems

8.2 Phase Changes and Heat

8.3 Calorimetry Problems

8.4 Internal Energy and Work

8.5 Exothermic and Endothermic Processes

8.6 Enthalpy Change Problems


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7.1 Intuitive Behavior of Gases

7.2 Gas Law Problems

7.3 Ideal Gas Law

7.4 Mixtures of Gases

7.5 Kinetic Theory of Gases                      


A.3  Percentages

4.1  The Mole Concept

4.2  Mole/Mass Calculations

4.3  Mole Conversion Factors

4.4  Limiting Reactants and Yield

4.5  Percent Composition

4.6  Empirical Formulas


                        21.1 Enthalpy Change                                          

21.2 Entropy Change     


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