UNIT 5                         Waycross College                                     Chem 2402




Specific Learning Objectives:


The Learner will:


1. be able to list the common and IUPAC names of the simple carboxylic acids and dicarboxylic acids.


2. State why the organic acids ionize.


3. predict the relative acidities of a series of carboxylic acids.


4. prepare carboxylic acids from various starting materials.


5. draw a general mechanism for the reaction of a negatively charged nucleophile with the carbonyl carbon of an acid.


6. predict the products from the various reactions involving carboxylic acids.


7. compare the physical and chemical properties of carboxylic acids and their salts.


8. Have a working knowledge of spectroscopy of carboxylic acids 


Learning Guide:


1. Read chapter 15 in Organic Chemistry: A Biological Approach by McMurry.


2. Do the following exercises in the textbook: 18, 19, 21, 27, 33.