Objective: The purpose of this lab is to show the calories of different kinds of nuts.
Caution: Work in a hood or well ventilated area.
1. Obtain a wire mesh and cover it with aluminum foil completely.
2. Obtain two paper clips and open one end and turn them.
3. Obtain a pop can that has two holes in it and determine its weight.
4. Add 100 ml of water to pop can and re-weigh the pop can.
5. Put a glass rod through the holes in the pop can.
6. Obtain a ring stand and a ring and attach the ring to the ring stand.
7. Suspend the can from the ring using the glass rod.
8. Obtain a piece of nut and weigh it.
9. Attach the piece of nut to the paper clips.
10. Bring the bottom of the can close to the nut.
11. Obtain a thermometer and determine the temperature of the water in the can in oC.
12. Light a match and bring it close to the nut until it starts burning.
13. Observe the can until the fire goes out.
14. Immediately record the temperature of the water.
15. Repeat the experiment with a second nut.
Change in temperature = final temperature - initial temperature.
Heat (calories) = mass of water (g) x change in temperature x 1 cal/goC
Calories/g of nut = Heat/g of nut.
Data Sheet
Experiment 1. Nut _____________
Mass of pop can _____________________________
Mass of pop can + water ______________________
Mass of water ______________________________
Mass of nut ________________________________
Initial temperature of water ____________________
Final temperature of water _____________________
Temperature change: ___________________________ (Final Temp – Initial Temp)
Heat (calories) _______________________________ (mass of water x change in Temp)
Calories / g of nut _____________________________
Experiment 2: Nut ____________
Mass of pop can _____________________________
Mass of pop can + water ______________________
Mass of water ______________________________
Mass of nut ________________________________
Initial temperature of water ____________________
Final temperature of water _____________________
Temperature change: _____________________________
Heat (calories) ______________________________
Calories / g of nut _____________________________ <>