1. Define the word karyotype.


2. Know that humans inherit 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes.


3. Name 3 traits that are sex-linked.


4. Know that males always express x-linked recessive disorders because they inherit only one X chromosome.


5. Know the Mendel’s principle of segregation


6. Know the Mendel’s principle of independent assortment


7. Know what are linked genes and how they are inherited together 


8. Know the structure of DNA and how it is replicated in general terms.


9. Describe the major differences between RNA and DNA.


10. Name the three types of RNA.


11. State the central dogma of the molecular biology.


12. Know what happens during transcription.


13. Know what happens during translation.


14. Define the word mutation.


15. Define the word allele.


16. State the major points of the law of segregation.


17. Define the words genotype, phenotype, heterozygous, homozygous and give examples.


18. Know what is meant by the words dominant and recessive and give examples of each.


19. Know that gametes have only one allele per trait.


20. Construct a four celled punnett square and give the chances of certain offspring.


21. Construct a 16 cell punnett square and give chances of certain offspring.


22. Know what is meant by the word testcross.


23. Know what is a pedigree chart and that males are shown as squares and females as circles.


24. Give examples of dominant genetic disorders and their symptoms.


25. Give examples of recessive genetic disorders and their symptoms.


26. Know what is polygenic inheritance and give one example of a trait.


27. Give one example of polygenic genetic disorder.


28. Give an example of incomplete dominance (hair type)


29. Give an example of disorder with incomplete dominance (sickle cell anemia).


30. Explain why DNA code involves 3 bases