

The purpose of this activity is to test validity of the equation Q = mcΔT in a simple heat exchange.





Measure the mass 50 ml of tap water in a Styrofoam cup and record its temperature.


Mass of empty Styrofoam cup: ________________


Mass of Styrofoam cup and 50 mL of water: ________________


Temperature of the water: _______________


Measure a second mass of 50 ml of hot water in a second Styrofoam cup and record its temperature. 


Mass of empty Styrofoam cup 2: __________________


Mass of Styrofoam cup and hot water: ____________________


Temperature of hot water: ____________________


Pour one sample of water into the other and record the final temperature of the mixture.


Final temperature of the mixture: _________________


1)    Use the equation  Q = mcΔT to find the heat gained by the cool water.  (Use c = 4.18 J/g-C as the specific heat of water.)


∆T = Tmixed waterTcold water









2) Use the equation Q = mcΔT to find the heat lost by the hot water.


∆T = Thot water  - Tmixed water









3) Are these two number approximately equal?  What does that say about the validity of the equation?